Using the notion of pre-emption rights as envisaged by public authorities (i.e. central State services and local authorities), the paper aims to show the effects of boundary delimitation of prevention plans for technological risks on local governance and regional planning. Inter-communal councils propose a new organisation of legal and financial resources as well as of political and territorial resources. Even if the legal context stays unclear, the anticipated use of pre-emption reveals new forms of regulation between the State and local authorities. The process of pre-emption questions the future of planning and development at the interface between urban and industry areas, and also the extent to which industrial risks are evaluated by adjacent urban zones.
Le projet TRANSENVIR retenu par l’ANR en 2016 (financement 2016-2019 exceptionnellement prolongé jusqu’en mars 2021) nourrit l’ambition de proposer des documents et ressources pour comprendre la place occupée par les villes françaises dans la montée, l’institutionnalisation et la reconfiguration des politiques environnementales des années 1950 jusqu’à nos jours.