The term "technological fix" should mean a fix provided by technology--a solution for all of our problems, from medicine and food production to the environment and business. Instead, technological fix has come to mean a cheap, quick fix using inappropriate technology that usually creates more problems than it solves. This collection sets out the distinction between a technological fix and a true technological solution. Bringing together scholars from a variety of disciplines, the essays trace the technological fix as it has appeared throughout the twentieth century. Addressing such "fixes" as artificial hearts, industrial agriculture and climate engineering, these essays examine our need to turn to technology for solutions to all of our problems.
Le projet TRANSENVIR retenu par l’ANR en 2016 (financement 2016-2019 exceptionnellement prolongé jusqu’en mars 2021) nourrit l’ambition de proposer des documents et ressources pour comprendre la place occupée par les villes françaises dans la montée, l’institutionnalisation et la reconfiguration des politiques environnementales des années 1950 jusqu’à nos jours.