Description du lieu
United States
Documents en lien
Compte-rendu de réunion du COSILYO, 18 avril 1978
Atomic frontier days : Hanford and the American West
Ducktown smoke : the fight over one of the South’s greatest environmental disasters
The environmental moment : 1968-1972
Public lands, public debates : a century of controversy
Environment in the balance : the Green movement and the Supreme court
Cash for your trash : Scrap recycling in America
The republic of nature : an environmental history of the United States
The legacy of American copper smelting : industrial heritage versus environmental policy
Gone tomorrow : the hidden life of garbage
Three Mile Island : a nuclear crisis in historical perspective
The making of environmental law
Motorized obsessions : life, liberty, and the small-bore engine
The evolution of American ecology, 1890–2000
Corporate america and environmental policy : how often does business get its way ?
Car country : an environmental history
Nature next door : cities and trees in the American Northeast
The Columbia river treaty revisited : transboundary river governance in the face of uncertainty
Green backlash : the history and politics of environmental opposition in the U.S.
Mass media and environmental conflict : America′s green crusades
First along the river : a brief history of the U.S. environmental movement
The greening of a nation ? Environmentalism in the United States since 1945
Don’t breathe the air : air pollution and U.S. environmental politics, 1945-1970
Redefining efficiency : pollution concerns, regulatory mechanisms, and technological change in the U.S. petroleum industry
The age of smoke : environmental policy in Germany and the United States, 1880-1970
Qu’est-ce que l’histoire environnementale ?
US environmental history : inviting doomsday
Forging a common bond : labor and environmental activism during the BASF lockout
When smoke ran like water : tales of environmental deception and the battle against pollution
Mobiliser pour l’environnement en Europe et aux États-Unis. Un état des lieux à l’aube du 20e siècle
Working for the environment : organized labor and the origins of environmentalism in the United States, 1948–1970
Lost among the parts per billion : ecological protection at the United States environmental protection agency, 1970–1993
What can U.S. environmental historians learn from non-U.S. environmental historiography ?
An economic analysis of Midwestern US criteria pollutant emissions trends from 1970 to 2000